INCITE @ Columbia University

Our work.

Ongoing partnerships

Healthcare Union

In partnership with a healthcare labor union, we are evaluating the causal impact of labor organizing on health and labor market outcomes in the healthcare sector. 

We have randomized efforts to unionize health care facilities and implement mixed methods data collection around these efforts to obtain the first ever randomization-based causal effects of labor organizing within the health care sector.

Communication Workers of America

In collaboration with Communication Workers of America, we are evaluating the impact of Runaway Inequality political trainings on subsequent union and political activities and beliefs.

United for Respect

In collaboration with United for Respect, we use an experimental design to evaluate the impact of a new form of online organization—facilitated online groups—on those working in low-wage, precarious retail jobs. We are investigating the extent to which such groups lead to better individual-level health outcomes, and whether they lead to participants being more willing to advocate for themselves and their coworkers on their jobs.

Funding support
    • Jobs to Move America
    • JPB Foundation
    • Omidyar Network
    • Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
    • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
    • Urban Institute
    • Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Papers & publications

Power and Dignity in the Low-Wage Labor Market: Theory and Evidence from Wal-Mart Workers

NBER Working Paper, September 2022, Arindrajit Dube, Suresh Naidu, and Adam Reich.

Quantitative Tools for Service Sector Organizing

New Labor Forum, February 2021, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Suresh Naidu, Adam Reich, and Patrick Youngblood.

Schooled by Strikes? The Effects of Large-Scale Labor Unrest on Mass Attitudes toward the Labor Movement

Perspectives on Politics, June 2, 2020, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Suresh Naidu, and Adam Reich.

Overcoming Inequality in Unemployment Benefit Access and Utilization

The Forge, October 19, 2020, Matt Morrison (Working America) and Rebecca Dixon (National Employment Law Project), on our collaboration with Working America to study their efforts to inform Black households of unemployment insurance benefits.

Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart

Peter Bearman and Adam Reich, Columbia University Press, July 2018. An examination of how workers make sense of service sector jobs at a firm like Walmart in order to consider the nature of contemporary low-wage work, as well as the obstacles and opportunities such workplaces present as sites of struggle for social and economic justice.


The Future of the Labor Movement (Fall 2022) with The Princeton Economics Program for Research on Inequality.

Columbia University Labor Lab

Part of INCITE @ Columbia University
61 Claremont Avenue Suite 1300
New York, NY 10027

Our work.

Ongoing partnerships

Healthcare Union

In partnership with a healthcare labor union, we are evaluating the causal impact of labor organizing on health and labor market outcomes in the healthcare sector. 

We have randomized efforts to unionize health care facilities and implement mixed methods data collection around these efforts to obtain the first ever randomization-based causal effects of labor organizing within the health care sector.

Communication Workers of America

In collaboration with Communication Workers of America, we are evaluating the impact of Runaway Inequality political trainings on subsequent union and political activities and beliefs.

United for Respect

In collaboration with United for Respect, we use an experimental design to evaluate the impact of a new form of online organization—facilitated online groups—on those working in low-wage, precarious retail jobs. We are investigating the extent to which such groups lead to better individual-level health outcomes, and whether they lead to participants being more willing to advocate for themselves and their coworkers on their jobs.

Funding support
    • Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
    • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
    • Urban Institute
    • Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Papers & publications

Power and Dignity in the Low-Wage Labor Market: Theory and Evidence from Wal-Mart Workers

NBER Working Paper, September 2022, Arindrajit Dube, Suresh Naidu, and Adam Reich.

Quantitative Tools for Service Sector Organizing

New Labor Forum, February 2021, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Suresh Naidu, Adam Reich, and Patrick Youngblood.

Schooled by Strikes? The Effects of Large-Scale Labor Unrest on Mass Attitudes toward the Labor Movement

Perspectives on Politics, June 2, 2020, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Suresh Naidu, and Adam Reich.

Overcoming Inequality in Unemployment Benefit Access and Utilization

The Forge, October 19, 2020, Matt Morrison (Working America) and Rebecca Dixon (National Employment Law Project), on our collaboration with Working America to study their efforts to inform Black households of unemployment insurance benefits.

Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart

Peter Bearman and Adam Reich, Columbia University Press, July 2018. An examination of how workers make sense of service sector jobs at a firm like Walmart in order to consider the nature of contemporary low-wage work, as well as the obstacles and opportunities such workplaces present as sites of struggle for social and economic justice.


The Future of the Labor Movement (Fall 2022) with The Princeton Economics Program for Research on Inequality.

Columbia University Labor Lab

Part of INCITE @ Columbia University
61 Claremont Avenue Suite 1300
New York, NY 10027